Citric Acid Anhydrous 99%

Citric Acid
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Chemical appearance: Anhydrous citric acid is presented in a white crystalline powder. It is also packaged in the form of colorless granules or crystals. The crystals have no odor but have a strong acid taste. Chemical application and strengths: Anhydrous citric acid has similar properties to citric acid monohydrate. The difference is the crystallization procedure. While the monohydrate citric acid is crystalized in cold water, the anhydrous forms are crystallized in water at a temperature of 78 degrees Celsius. In the process, it loses all the water within the crystals. Citric acid anhydrous is one of the strong edible acids. Due to that property, it is a common food additive to enhance its flavor. It is also used for preservation of foods especially candies and soft drinks. In addition, it reacts with different metals to form citrate salts that are used as dietary supplements for people who lack minerals such as iron, sodium and magnesium.

  • Import-export - chemicals and pharmaceuticals
  • Chemical products
  • Sludge Sewage
  • Treatment Sludge

Product characteristics

CAS Number
HS Code

Domain icon Manufacturer/ Producer

9586 Fürnitz - Austria
