Buckwheat Flakes Organic

Buckwheat Flakes Organic
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"Origin of Buckwheat Buckwheat flakes come from the buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum), a plant that flourishes in countries around the world. Buckwheat has white to pink flowers. Buckwheat can be used for breakfast, is suitable for baking biscuits, contains many carbohydrates and is easy to digest. It is thought that buckwheat has its origins in China and there was first grown around 1000 BC. In the 15th century Europe was also acquainted with buckwheat. For more information on this product, please refer to the following page: Article Buckwheat Processing Buckwheat Flakes The hulled seeds of the buckwheat plant are first well washed and placed on trays. Then the seeds germinate under controlled temperature and humidity for 24 to 48 hours, or until the germ is fully developed. These developed germs are moved to different trays and dried at …"

  • Organic food
  • Beans and Cereals

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48455 Bad Bentheim - Germany
