Cultural highlights of the Venice of the North

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With its almost intact medieval street plan Bruges is certainly an evocative open air museum. Having survived the two World Wars, Bruges luckily preserved all its art treasures and museums. The Groeninge Museum for example ranks among Belgium’s top three. We need about eight hours to show you all the highlights of Bruges. Morning: We start our day with a cruise on the canals of Bruges. Being seen from a different angle Bruges’ loveliest places look even more charming. In the Groeninge Museum we find an excellent survey of works by Belgian painters from the 15th century till today. This museum boasts a complete collection of the Flemish Primitives like Van Eyck, Rogier van der Weyden, Hugo van der Goes, Hans Memling and Pieter Brueghel. In the modern art section we find Paul Delvaux, René Magritte, Constant Permeke and Gustave van de Woestyne . We continue over the Dijver. There we find the College of Europe that offers lectures and seminars on all aspects of the European Union...

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