Food Supplement Box

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Food supplements are food supplements that are often used to strengthen immunity, to improve sports performance among athletes, and to provide certain vitamins and minerals that cannot be obtained from food. Food supplements are frequently used among the general public and are very successful. Food supplement manufacturers need medicine box-like boxes in which to put the supplements. These boxes should be boxes that protect the food supplement product from heat, light, moisture and dust. Food supplement boxes, which are basically made of cardboard and the weight of the cardboard can be increased or decreased according to demand, should basically protect the food supplement product from all factors and keep it clean until the expiration date. For this reason, quality is also very important. On the food supplement box, there is information written in small fonts such as expiration date, general information about the product, method of use, place of production.

  • Boxes, cardboard
  • Box easily
  • designs Box

Domain icon Manufacturer/ Producer

16100 Bursa - Turkey
