

5, Place de la Pyramide, La Défense 9, Tour ariane 10ème étage, Puteaux 92088
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1967
Employees: 20-49
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105 Product and services

3-way male connector 120º
3-way male connector 120º
3-way male meeting 120º WEIGHT UNIT: 4.3 kg...
Primus Natural Rustic
Primus Natural Rustic
Primus Natural Rustic Dimensions: 44.8 x 26 cm Color: Natural Rustic Tile Weight: 3.700 kg Tiles per m2: 11.5 & 13 plain Pureau Dimensions: 35; 37 & ...
Rustic Natural Tech
Rustic Natural Tech
Natural Rustic Tecno Dimensions: 46.2 x 25.7 cm Color: Natural Rustic Tile weight: 3.550 kg & 3.900 kg Tiles per m2: 12 units Pureau dimensions: 39.2...
Domus Ridge Tile
Domus Ridge Tile
Domus Ridge Tile WEIGHT UNIT: 4 kg WIDTH: 26 cm HEIGHT: 5.5 cm LENGTH: 43 cm...
3-Way Female Connector 120º
3-Way Female Connector 120º
Female 3-way meeting 120º WEIGHT UNIT: 4.3 kg...
Sewer Cover Piece 49 MR1
Sewer Cover Piece 49 MR1
Sewer Cover Piece 49 MR1 WEIGHT UNIT: 3.1 kg WIDTH: 24 cm HEIGHT: 6 cm LENGTH: 57 cm QUANTITY PER LINEAR METER: 5 pcs...
Sewer Cover Piece 65 MR1
Sewer Cover Piece 65 MR1
Sewer Cover Piece 65 MR1 WEIGHT UNIT: 4.09 kg WIDTH: 24 cm HEIGHT: 6 cm LENGTH: 73.5 cm QUANTITY PER LINEAR METER: 5 pcs...
Universal Underframe Part
Universal Underframe Part
Universal Underframe Part WEIGHT UNIT: 3.3 kg...
Male Faitière
Male Faitière
Male Cheese Maker WEIGHT UNIT: 3.1 kg WIDTH: 23 cm HEIGHT: 12 cm LENGTH: 43 cm...
Sewer Cover Piece 40 MR1
Sewer Cover Piece 40 MR1
Sewer Cover Piece 40 MR1 WEIGHT UNIT: 2.7 kg WIDTH: 24 cm HEIGHT: 7 cm LENGTH: 48 cm QUANTITY PER LINEAR METER: 5 pcs...
Sewer Current Piece 49
Sewer Current Piece 49
Sewer Pipe Piece 49 WEIGHT UNIT: 3.1 kg WIDTH: 17 cm HEIGHT: 7.6 cm LENGTH: 58 cm QUANTITY PER LINEAR METER: 5 pcs...
Plasma Anthracite
Plasma Anthracite
Plasma Anthracite Dimensions: 49.1 x 25.3 cm Color: Anthracite Tile weight: 4.000 kg Tiles per m2: 12.5 units Dimensions of the Pureau: 38.5 cm...
4-Way Meeting Turret
4-Way Meeting Turret
4-Way Turret Meeting WEIGHT UNIT: 6.5 kg...
Right Ridge
Right Ridge
Right Rafter WEIGHT UNIT: 3.6 kg WIDTH: 23 cm HEIGHT: 18 cm LENGTH: 51 cm...
Tecno Titanium
Tecno Titanium
Tecno Titanium Dimensions: 46.2 x 25.7 cm Color: Titanium Tile Weight: 3.550 kg & 3.900 kg Tiles per m2: 12 units Pureau Dimensions: 39.2 cm...

Location and contact

Address5, Place de la Pyramide, La Défense 9, Tour ariane 10ème étage, FR-92088 Puteaux

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