VCI-Shrink Film VALENO

VCI shrink film - corrosion protection and surface protection


Shrink film produces a close bond between the packaging film and the packaged merchandise. The heat-induced shrinking process causes the film to cling tightly to the merchandise or container, thereby avoiding vulnerable points which may suffer damage during shipment or transport. Shrink film may be processed manually, semi-automatically or fully automatically. The shrinking properties may be adjusted to the specific application in terms of both direction and degree of shrinkage. The standard version of EXCOR VALENO shrink film shrinks biaxially, i.e., equally in all directions. Individually tailored degrees of monoaxial or biaxial shrinkage can also be produced on request. All VALENO shrink film is made of polyethylene and can be used in packing machines. The EXCOR VCI substance is integrated into the polymer matrix and active on both sides.

  • Anti-corrosion products, chemical
  • Corrosion protection
  • Transport protection film
  • Film for packaging machines

Product characteristics

Technical Delivery Standard (TL)
Regulations for Hazardous Substances (TRGS)

Domain icon Manufacturer/ Producer

34346 Hann. Münden - Germany


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