Excellent quality 300G heavy jersey t-shirts

100% cotton
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We would like to offer you t-shirts production support - heavy weight fashionable colorful t-shirts with prints, embroideries, and different decorations. For T-shirt manufacturing, we use OEKO-TEX fabrics. Our fabrics have premium smooth surface finishing by enzyme silicon wash. T-shirts are fully made in Poland (Europe): from fabrics, labels, and accessories to prints and embroideries. Best quality workmanship, quick deliveries, flexibility in the cooperation - is it our motto. Our MANTONI team of fashion and graphic designers will help you to prepare the most complicated designs and will find the best solutions for your ideas of clothes. We are a fashion design and garment development Company - http://en.mantoni.pl/ We have a strong designers and technologist team and high-quality cooperated factories to manufacture perfect quality clothes in Poland.

  • T-shirts
  • men's t-shirts
  • Embroidered t-shirts
  • printed t-shirts