Coconut Flakes Medium Organic

Coconut Flakes Medium Organic
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"Origin of the Coconut The coconut (Cocos nucifera) comes from the coconut palm. Coconut palms grow mainly in tropical countries. The fruit of the coconut is found in a green husk. After the removal of the green part, what remains is the hairy, brown and wooden nut. The brown ball has a diameter of 10 to 15 centimetres and contains the white flesh. Coconuts were first cultivated in Southeast Asia and today most coconuts come from Indonesia, Filepines and India. Processing into Coconut Flakes After harvesting, the green outer shell of the coconut is removed. Then the white pulp is cleaned and removed from the brown shell. The pulp is then sterilized and cut into pieces, after which it can go into the oven to dry. After this process, the pulp is processed into coconut flakes. Use of Coconut Flakes The coconut flakes have a typical milky and sweet taste. They are crunchy and sweet and pleasant aroma. The coconut flakes are very suitable as a garnis…"

  • Organic food
  • Superfoods

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48455 Bad Bentheim - Germany
