Whey Protein Concentrate

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A premium protein supplement called Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC) is made from whey, the liquid leftover from making cheese. To concentrate the protein content while maintaining vital nutrients, it is minimally processed. Branch-chain amino acids (BCAAs), which support muscle growth and repair, are abundant in WPC. Because of its efficiency in promoting muscle growth and its rapid absorption, it is frequently utilized in bodybuilding and fitness. The product comes in different forms, like powder, and can be tailored to meet specific requirements depending on protein content and purity. The selection of SRS Whey Protein is driven by several key factors, with a primary focus on sourcing from local European suppliers.

  • Food supplements
  • proteins
  • whey
  • sport nutrition

Product characteristics

Other name
Spec./ Purity
( Other specifications can be customized)
Homogenous colour, cream white
Typical odour
Neutral taste
Main function
Muscle Building and Repair

Domain icon Distributor

3861NC Nijkerk - Netherlands
