

4 Rue Etienne Dolet, Le Petit Quevilly 76140
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 2001
Employees: 50-99
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About us

91 Product and services

Valve Body 60 inches - Cupro Aluminum CC 333G EN 1982
Valve Body 60 inches - Cupro Aluminum CC 333G EN 1982
We manufacture valve bodies in copper-aluminum, delivered raw, rough machined, or fully machined according to international quality standards.
Filter Body - Valves & Fittings
Filter Body - Valves & Fittings
We manufacture cupro-aluminum filters, delivered raw, semi-finished, or fully machined according to international quality standards.
Continuous Casting Billettes - Aluminium Bronze DN 100 to DN 400mm
Continuous Casting Billettes - Aluminium Bronze DN 100 to DN 400mm
As a specialist of aluminium bronze we provide side solution to sand casting : - continuous casting, - forgings - centrifugal casting in a wide ra...
PELTON Runner - Pumps and turbines
PELTON Runner - Pumps and turbines
We manufacture PELTON runner in aluminium bronze, delivered "as cast" or rough machined. New built, spare parts, retrofit ...
KAPLAN - Blades and Impellers in Aluminium Bronze for turbines
KAPLAN - Blades and Impellers in Aluminium Bronze for turbines
We cast KAPLAN blades and impellers in aluminium bronze. With 15 000 To melting capacity and 5 mx5 m casting capabilities we can accommodate all proje...
Wheel - Pumps & Turbines
Wheel - Pumps & Turbines
We supply impellers (raw or finished) for pumps & turbines made of aluminum bronze.
Copper-Aluminum Sand Casting for Valves - In Copper-Aluminum
Copper-Aluminum Sand Casting for Valves - In Copper-Aluminum
Cast sand parts in copper alloy for valves. Thanks to our extensive expertise in EN 1982, ASTM B 148 or B 171, Def Stan ... we can provide quality pa...
Heat exchanger plate - Heat exchanger and cooler
Heat exchanger plate - Heat exchanger and cooler
Heat exchanger plate Ø1500 Ep. 80mm We supply heat exchanger plates made of Alumehrstoffbronze.
BUTTERFLY Body DN3700 / 16 000Kg - Aluminium Bornze Sand Casting
BUTTERFLY Body DN3700 / 16 000Kg - Aluminium Bornze Sand Casting
We cast all valve components in aluminium bronze (CC 333G EN 1982, ASTM/ASME B18 C95800...) and deliver worldwide : "as cast" , "rough or fully" mach...
Valve Body 60 inches - NAB Sand Casting Fully Machined
Valve Body 60 inches - NAB Sand Casting Fully Machined
We cast/machine most valve components in aluminium bronze. We support customers worldwide with "as cast" , rough or fully machined valve components...
Water Box - Heat Exchangers and Condensers
Water Box - Heat Exchangers and Condensers
We manufacture water boxes (Channels) for Tube and Shell type heat exchangers in cupronickel, delivered: - raw, - semi-finished, - fully machined acco...
Housing DN3700 16 000Kg - Valves
Housing DN3700 16 000Kg - Valves
We supply valve housings (raw or finished) made of aluminum bronze.
Pale Hélice CPP - Cupro Aluminium
Pale Hélice CPP - Cupro Aluminium
We manufacture propeller blades in cupro-aluminum, delivered: - raw, - semi-finished, - fully machined including 3.2 certificates from Lloyds, Bureau ...
Pump impeller - Pumps and turbines
Pump impeller - Pumps and turbines
Pump impeller - Pumps and turbines...
FRANCIS Bicycle - Pumps & Turbines
FRANCIS Bicycle - Pumps & Turbines
We deliver raw or finished processed FRANCIS wheels made of aluminum bronze.

Location and contact

Address4 Rue Etienne Dolet, FR-76140 Le Petit Quevilly

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