
Warehouse icon Wholesaler


Motherland and main Market of electric power tools TM «Зенит» is Ukraine. Ukraine is one of previous USSR Republic, where it was founded rocket production and launch vehicles “ZENIT” are produced now. Electric power tools TM «Зенит» is one of the leader of Ukrainian Sales Market.Electric power tools TM «Зенит» has the optimal level of reliability, precision and power capacity in its class. Experienced engineers from military-industrial complex of USSR were inveigled to development of electric power tools TM «Зенит» from the initial stage. As time goes by and according economic expediency the production facility were transferred to PRC, where the most world leaders’ production facility are based.. Many innovations directed to reliability and quality improvement are introduced during the production of electric power tools TM «Зенит». Now one of the main direction of management activity of TM «Зенит» is the developing of production and engineering base in PRC.The main production of TM

Domain icon Wholesaler


14 Shevchenko str.

49044 Dnepropetrovsk - Ukraine

Company info

Key figures

  • Company headcount
    > 500


  • Main activity

Activities of LLC DEMIX

  • Photoemitters, power
  • power tools
  • craft tools
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