

Thorackerstrasse 3, Muri B. Bern 3074
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1997
Employees: 5-9
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12 Product and services

Cashew Nuts 'Jumbo'Next
Cashew Nuts 'Jumbo'
0,00 €
The cashew tree, also known as the kidney tree due to the shape of its nuts, belongs to the family of sumac plants. It grows in tropical climates and ...
Piedmont Hazelnuts 'Tonda Gentile delle Langhe'Next
Piedmont Hazelnuts 'Tonda Gentile delle Langhe'
0,00 €
The beautifully round hazelnut from the heart of Piedmont has a balanced, soft hazelnut flavor, is easy to peel, and has a long shelf life. Freshly ro...
Prunes from Agen (Origin: France)Next
Prunes from Agen (Origin: France)
The options for further processing are numerous: There are pitted plums filled with plum paste, plums flavored with vanilla or orange, soaked in Armag...
Special Pastry (Origin: Italy)Next
Special Pastry (Origin: Italy)
0,00 €
In the production of selected products, special customer requests can also be accommodated. For example, organic butter or free-range eggs may be used...
Exotic Dried Fruits (Origin: Thailand)Next
Exotic Dried Fruits (Origin: Thailand)
Drying was the only way to preserve fruits for the long winter. Today, dried fruits are a delicious and healthy snack for any time. Exotic dried fruit...
Apple Products (Origin: Italy)Next
Apple Products (Origin: Italy)
0,00 €
Dried apples are available in a variety of forms and qualities: there are conventional products, organic options, and apple products suitable for baby...
Fruits and Vegetables (Origin: Italy)Next
Fruits and Vegetables (Origin: Italy)
For production, fruit or vegetable puree is applied in a thin layer onto a heated drum and begins to dry immediately. After the drying process, this l...
Waffles (Origin: Germany)Next
Waffles (Origin: Germany)
0,00 €
From shaped waffles to flat waffles to designer waffles – MDM is skilled in sourcing top products in this market segment.
Macadamia Nuts "Style I"Next
Macadamia Nuts "Style I"
0,00 €
At an average temperature of 25°C, macadamias in South Africa thrive under ideal conditions. The plantations are equipped with state-of-the-art irriga...
Montélimar Nougat (Origin: France)
Montélimar Nougat (Origin: France)
0,00 €
For nougat that bears the quality label "Appellation d'Origine Contrôlée (AOC)" and the name "Nougat de Montélimar," the nut content must be at least ...
Roasted Antep Pistachios from GaziantepNext
Roasted Antep Pistachios from Gaziantep
The original homeland of the pistachio is the steppes and mountain slopes of the Near and Central Asia. The highest quality pistachios from this regio...
The Spanish almond variety "Marcona" is relatively sweet and has a fine texture. Also from Spain is the Valencia. Its flavor is also more intense than...

Location and contact

AddressThorackerstrasse 3, CH-3074 Muri B. Bern

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