The company PALERMO RAFFAELE, is a Distributor, which operates in the Water-skiing - equipment industry. It is based in Bonifati, Italy.
Other companies in the same industry:
Via Roma 71
87020 Bonifati - Italy
The integrated plant PURION PooL 40 PVC-U consists of a filtration of sediments and UV based disinfection of pool water. It is applied to disinfect circulation water of pools. The pre filter removes sediment from the pool water. The following UV based disinfection prevents biological activities – especially forming of algae. advantages: plug and play system for immediate operation up to 95% reduction of chemicals compared to chemical treatment of the water considerable cost cutting due to less cost for chemicals suitable for salt water application low-maintenance operation low operational costs Please contact us for targeted advice: mail: phone: +49 3682 479087
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The UV-plant PURION 1000 DUAL PRO is made from electropolished stainless steel 1.4571. The PURION 1000 DUAL PRO is applied to disinfect industrial water and emulsions up to a flow rate of 800 l/h with a transmission (or turbidity) of the fluids of 20 - 90% per T1 cm. Several options for power supply and monitoring of the disinfection performance are available: I DUAL Basic II DUAL OTC III DUAL OTC Professional For optimal installation, we recommend using the PURION assembly system DUAL 1. advantages: additional chemicals are not required for disinfection not affecting smell or taste low-maintenance operation low operational costs Please contact us for targeted advice: mail: phone: +49 3682 479087
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The UV-plant PURION 2500 DUAL 90 W PRO is made from electropolished stainless steel 1.4571. The PURION 2500 DUAL 90 W PRO is applied to disinfect industrial water and emulsions up to a flow rate of 5 m³/h with a transmission (or turbidity) of the fluids of 20 - 90% per T1 cm. Several options for monitoring of the disinfection performance are available: I DUAL Basic II DUAL OTC III DUAL OTC Professional For optimal installation, we recommend using the PURION assembly system DUAL 1. advantages: additional chemicals are not required for disinfection not affecting smell or taste low-maintenance operation low operational costs Please contact us for targeted advice: mail: phone: +49 3682 479087
Request for a quoteGermany
Die PURION PRO Mehrstrahler-Anlage 2500 / 8 ist zur UV-Desinfektion für größere Durchsätze bei Spezialflüssigkeiten mit sehr geringer Transmission ausgelegt. Der Steuerungsschrank kann mit Lebensdauerüberwachung (OTC 2) ausgestattet werden. Der potentialfreie Kontakt D1-D2 (Fehlersummensignal) ermöglicht die einfache Integration in bestehende Überwachungskonzepte. options for configuration: hot water up to 90 °C Operating Time Counter OTC 2 advantages: additional chemicals are not required for disinfection not affecting smell or taste low-maintenance operation low operational costs Please contact us for targeted advice: mail: phone: +49 3682 479087
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