

Via B. Crespi, 19, Mac4 - piano 4, Milan 20159
Delivery: Worldwide
Employees: 5-9
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7 Product and services

Adjustable patented dies for press brakes - Professional solutions for thick and heavy duty bending
Adjustable patented dies for press brakes - Professional solutions for thick and heavy duty bending
We offer special adjustable bending dies for various press brakes with medium and high tonnage for bending of big thickness sheet metal. These dies ar...
Press brake tools Promecam (European) system - Tools for Amada, Durma, Schiavi, Baykal, Euromac, Vimercati
Press brake tools Promecam (European) system - Tools for Amada, Durma, Schiavi, Baykal, Euromac, Vimercati
Press brake tools for machines: Accurl, Adira, AM Machinery, Amada, Augusta, Axial, Baykal, Boschert, Bystronic, CMU, CoastOne, Colgar, Colly, Gaspari...
Grinding machine for punches and dies PRECITOOLS F-Grinder - Grinding machine for punches and dies PRECITOOLS F-Grinder
Grinding machine for punches and dies PRECITOOLS F-Grinder - Grinding machine for punches and dies PRECITOOLS F-Grinder
We present semi-automatic grinding machine F-Grinder to sharp punching tools (punches and dies) for various models and systems of punching presses: Tr...
Press brake antimark film for bending - Safety press brake bending of dedicated surfaces
Press brake antimark film for bending - Safety press brake bending of dedicated surfaces
Bending film for press brake bending to protect from scratches, marks, imrints and other surface defects during bending polished materials, prepainted...
Special press brake tools and special applications - Customized and individual projects for press brake bending
Special press brake tools and special applications - Customized and individual projects for press brake bending
Special tools for customized applications and parts including forming, several bends in one stroke, controlled deformation, coining and stamping etc.
Press brake tools Trumpf-WILA system - Tools for Trumpf, Prima Power, Safan-Darley, EHT etc.
Press brake tools Trumpf-WILA system - Tools for Trumpf, Prima Power, Safan-Darley, EHT etc.
Press brake tools for machines: Bystronic-Hammerle, Durma, EHT, Finn-Power, Jordi, Gizelis, LVD, Trumpf, Prima Power, RICO PRCN, Safan-Darley, STR, Ur...
Press brake tools Beyeler-Bystronic system - Tools for Bystronic and Beyler press brakes, diff. systems
Press brake tools Beyeler-Bystronic system - Tools for Bystronic and Beyler press brakes, diff. systems
Press brake tools for machines: Bystronic-Beyeler (Euro-A, RF-A, R, S), Edwards Pearson, Safan, Bystronic, Beyeler etc. We supply solid pieces 100, 5...

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Location and contact

AddressVia B. Crespi, 19, Mac4 - piano 4, IT-20159 Milan

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