
Office Building Outline icon Retailer

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TECHNOROPE is a company that provides services in wire rope and lifting technologies. Keeping the overall customer costs at minimum and maximizing the customer performance through the instrument of distinctive products and services, Using accurate analysis and matching methods to understand the customer, Regarding economic products as key and offering them as an alternative as well as high-performance products, Delivering its products timely and seamlessly by means of its efficient stock structure and organization. Accompanied by the well known commercial purposes, honoring human being is set as a fundamental goal by our company. Because we know that society will bec

Domain icon Retailer


HochstraBe 17, 47228 / DUISBURG

47228 Duisburg - Germany


Company info

Key figures

  • Company headcount
    1 – 10


  • Year established
  • Site status
    Registered office – Parent company
  • Main activity

Business info

Trading areas

  • Check Circle Outline icon European

Delivery areas


  • Chains - accessories
  • steel wire rope
  • slings
  • elevator balance chain
  • goods lifting equipment parts and accessories
Office Building Outline icon
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